How to use Coloritsy ADULTS
Coloritsy is a completely egalitarian form of art, accessible to both creative and non-creative types. At the same time, for those who think there’s not a creative bone in their bodies, Coloritsy is a chance to put this theory to the test!
Coloritsy is for all ages. However, individuals of different ages and lifestyles have different interests and likes, and for that reason we offer a wide variety of illustrations, categorized by theme and age/difficulty.
How to use Coloritsy ADULTS:
Coloring is not new and have proven to have immense mental health benefits, so adults are taking a page from their childhood selves and beginning to color for relaxation, meditation, and good ol’ fun.
Coloritsy is an active hobby that takes some thought, which means your brain can engage in something other than the negative, anxiety-ridden commentary (Did I pay that bill? Is my boss mad at me?) that plays on a loop in all of our minds. If you build a half hour of Coloritsy into your evenings, you’ll have a guaranteed de-stressing session at the end of each day, plus an ARTWALL of beautiful illustrations to show for it.
De-Stress with an Active Mind:
The next time you’re feeling the need to escape, de-stress, or get creative, think about the methods you used to use as a kid. Coloritsy is a tried and tested meditative technique, prescribed by psychiatrists as far back as Carl Jung. Its meditative qualities come from the repeated patterns, colors, movements, and the calm, stress-free environment it creates for your mind. Passive de-stressors, like Netflix, aren’t always great at relieving stress, because they don’t fully engage the mind — leaving the stress you’re trying to escape able to run free. Instead of winding down with a guilty pleasure TV show, break out your markers and watercolors before bed.
Reclaim Your Focus:
n a sea of screens, Coloritsy is a rare and welcome activity. The mental health community constantly warns us of the impact that screens have on our emotional and physical health. One of the most noticeable negative effects is shorter attention spans, driven by the impulse to multitask. Coloritsy is an easy and fun way to escape your screens and regain focus on a singular task. The act of choosing colors or developing patterns lets you connect with your emotions, offering a way to process the day actively instead of numbing your mind.
Achieve Creative Fulfillment:
Coloritsy lets you flex your creative muscles without a ton of planning, supplies, or skill. You can achieve sophisticated color palettes and interesting patterns with a few colored markers. For creatives with intense schedules full of projects, Coloritsy is a way to escape professional demands and get creative for fun.